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Blind Item – January – Hollywood 2

    We are sure that many of you have not even seen the film or films from this almost-blue film franchise, but surely you must be aware of all the talk that has been going around this film or franchise. Strangely though, we know both of them from before they were signed on to play the leads in this high-profile franchise. The actress was the lead on a TV show that didn’t last for more than one season. The actor was on a great UK TV show that was quite successful and in it, he played a killer, who likes to kill women that work too much. We won’t say more, just check out the blind item below.


    Hollywood Blind Item

    Sizzle Is A Fizzle

    We’ve told you before that if actors play a romantic couple on film, it is absolutely necessary for them to carry some romantic chemistry over to the promotions in order to draw interest. Even if they are married or involved with someone else, they have to sell the sizzle in order to get people to buy the steak.

    Well, these two actors have been doubling down on the sexy talk when being interviewed about their new film… but they are having a tough time sizzling!

    She has stepped up her game from last time, but it is exhausting for her to try to pretend she finds him attractive and to do the intimate, teasing thing with him. She wanted to know when she could start doing interviews without him. She really would like to be as far away from him as possible. Then she’s not reminded about how much she hates him and can actually say nice things about him.

    Yikes! Nothing like a little shade to turn a sizzle into a fizzle.

    By the way, her big beef with him is that he was critical of her failing to actively promote their last film together.


    OSOP Guesses

    Actress: Dakota Johnson

    Actor: Jamie Dornan

    Film: Fifty Shades Darker

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