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Blind Item – September – Hollywood

    We have our first blind item from Hollywood today. If you are familiar with news from Hollywood or the UK music industry, you will know who we are talking about below. We are not fans of the boyband that this subject is part of, but we are well-aware of the female subject in the blind item below. She seems to like being famous so much that she’s willing to do all it takes to be famous and popular. She tried it the Victoria Beckham way, but failed so badly when her husband was caught cheating multiple times. Now she’s going to latch on a baby to keep her afloat. Check out who this blind item from Blind Gossip is about below.

    Hollywood Blind Item

    Blind Item – September - Hollywood


    Dumb Kid Got Roped In

    You are a female celebrity. You are gay. You want a baby. What better way to go about it than by roping in a very naive, young, and rich male celebrity who’s always had a crush on you… and telling him that you are destined to spend your lives together?

    Poor dumb kid thinks that she really loves him.


    OSOP Guesses

    Female Celebrity: Cheryl Cole (and other last married names we don’t remember)
    Male Celebrity: Liam Payne from One Direction

    Blind Item – September - Hollywood