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Blind Item – August – Hollywood – 2016

    This month, there has been a blind item regarding the same subject below. The subject had a plan to where her life was heading right now and with the blind item below, it seems that her plan might have come to a halt. If you want to see how true this and that blind item is, just wait and see whether the subject really does what she wants to do or she continues to live that fake life that she has built for herself. Check out the blind item from Blind Gossip below.

    Hollywood Blind Item

    Blind Item – August - Hollywood - 2016


    Pregnancy Twist

    We’ve already told you that this pretty actress is leaving her husband.

    However, there is a twist on this story that is about to make the situation even crazier.

    She’s pregnant!

    Could the timing of this pregnancy be any more awkward?

    What is she going to do now? Pretend that her Husband is the father? Admit that the the Director with whom she recently worked is the father? Is there a mysterious guy behind door number three on whom she can pin this?


    If she claims that her Husband is the father, does this mean she will have to stay married to him until after the baby is born? What a mess.

    Since this is a very smart, well-educated, successful movie actress we are talking about here, we expect that she is already working on a P.R. plan. It will be fascinating to see how she and her team spin this over the next few months!


    OSOP Guesses

    Pretty Actress: Natalie Portman

    Blind Item – August - Hollywood - 2016

    2 thoughts on “Blind Item – August – Hollywood – 2016”

    1. I wait wait several days Bollywood blind item, but comes uninteresting to me Hollywood blind item. Why are they here? this is a site about Bollywood. I gave some interesting blind item , but me ignored (

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