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Blind Item – December – Hollywood

    Today’s blind item is about a certain Hollywood situation and is from Blind Gossip. It’s quite an interesting blind item and we must say that there was a little surprise when we read it first. But then again, it does explain a lot of things. Before further ado, just read the blind item below.

    Hollywood Blind Item

    Blind Item – December - Hollywood

    The Boy Next Door

    We were puzzled when this movie star sold off a property outside of the continental U.S. It just didn’t make sense. We knew that they loved the location and the house. They weren’t getting divorced any time soon. They weren’t hard up for cash. So, the only other logical reason for selling would be that there had been some sort of breakup with The Boy Next Door. However, we hadn’t heard anything that would even hint at that.

    It turns out that Movie Star and The Boy Next Door are just as tight as ever. In fact, they are so tight… that they just purchased new homes in a major city that are practically on top of each other! When they travel to the foreign location, they will now simply stay together in one residence.

    Yes, their spouses know. In this foursome, everyone is faking it!


    OSOP Guesses

    Movie Star: George Clooney

    Boy Next Door: Rande Gerber

    Blind Item – December - Hollywood