We have another blind item for you today. It’s a bit silly and speaking of silly, we think we know exactly who this blind item is referring to. We are sure that she’s having the last laugh now that the silliness has had the biggest dud of his career. Anyways, check out the all high and mighty blind item now.
Bollywood Blind Item
This talented actress compared herself to Salman Khan!
There’s this actress whose movies have done well and she has won awards too. She was recently approached for a Salman Khan film too. While she turned it down, she also asked the director, “How can there be two Salman Khans in one film?” The second Salman she was referring to was herself of course. Ouch!
Haha. You go girl! Even she’s a selfish person but I am glad Bollywood is taking female actors seriously now.
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