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Blind Item 2 – September 2016

    We are glad that this Hollywood female celebrity is finally coming into her own and realising how things are not always the way they seem to be. She has certainly been off the radar for a while now and the last we heard about her was when Forbes magazine declared her the highest paid actress in Hollywood. When she made her debut and became famous in Hollywood, she was like a breath of fresh air. Don’t believe us? Just check out her interviews. We just hope that she doesn’t change herself and become all tight up and serious, if this blind item is really what she’s going through. Check out the blind item from Hollywood below, courtesy of Blind Gossip.

    Hollywood Blind Item

    Blind Item 2 – September 2016

    Friendship Violation

    We’ve told you before that this actress has become more cautious about people using her to promote themselves.

    Have you seen her with her best friend lately? You know, the funny one with whom she shared vacations and parties and show appearances and simply couldn’t stop talking about or getting photographed with earlier this year?

    Not so much, right?

    That hasn’t stopped the funny friend from talking about her!

    [Actress] is not at all happy that [Funny Friend] is dragging up their personal conversations to gain a couple of publicity points, especially because it’s about a very sensitive subject that makes the [Actress] look bad.

    Funny friend needs to shut it before she permanently loses her friendship with the actress.


    OSOP Guesses

    Actress: Jennifer Lawrence

    Funny Friend: Amy Schumer

    Blind Item 2 – September 2016

    Blind Item 2 – September 2016

      Our blind item for you today is not as freaky as this blind item is making out to be. We have all known that this actor has been having different kinds of troubles since he’s trying to make a comeback. It hasn’t been easy for him and the producers he has worked with. The thing is, when he promotes his films, he praises everything about it and when the films don’t work, he blasts them by saying he had no intention of working in these films in the first place. He’s probably trying to get his mojo back by doing the thing that the blind item says he did. But then think about it, back then when he was hot and happening, he had an affair with another happening actress and he even moved in to her house by leaving his family behind. Take a look at the blind item below and see who we are talking about.

      Bollywood Blind Item

      Bollywood Blind Item

      Guess who?

      This actor is known for his comedy and dance moves. He used to be the number one hero in the ‘90s but because of his attitude and non-punctuality, his stardom was short lived.

      Recently when he was called to judge a dance reality show, his behaviour seemed quite weird. He asked the unit of the show not to disturb him as he was talking to his mother. He said that his mother has come to meet him and once she leaves, he will come on the set. The team kept waiting for him and they were amused to see his strange behviour. And if you’re wondering what’s so amusing in spending time with the mother… Well, the truth is that the actor’s mother has been dead for over 20 years now. Crazy, right?


      OSOP Guesses

      Actor: Govinda

      Blind Item 2 – September 2016

      3 thoughts on “Blind Item 2 – September 2016”

      1. why blind items on this site appear much later than on the others? Previously, it was vice versa on this site have always been fresh blind items, but now everything has changed. I am waiting for 2 weeks, so I am glad when I see a new blind item, but open and saw that he was already a month ago on the others site(

        1. Hello..The blind items posted here aren’t made up. We have to wait to get the right information and confirmation on the guesses before posting it here. Just be more patient. We are literally posting blind items regularly just for you, because you asked. 😀

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