A couple of weeks ago, it was noted that Mumbai Mirror had stopped its columnist from publishing the daily blind items due to a problem with one of the blind items posted. It is now clear the blind item might not have been about the #MeToo situation in Bollywood since today the tailpiece section is back and it features a Bollywood #MeToo story. It is hard to say which BI from MM generated that complaint, it must have been the one about the powerful police officer having an affair with his sister-in-law (we think) or the one about the industrialised who has harassed a lot of women working for him.
The blind item below talks about a producer, who supported a victim when the #MeToo movement exploded. We all know who this guy is, no points for guessing here. In case you can’t take a hint, the BI mentions how he even brought the harasser, his colleague and business partner to court over these allegations.
If you notice with all of these men in power, they don’t feel sorry for what they did because they feel that they have the right to do that or they don’t see anything wrong since everyone else was doing it. So yes, they are not sorry, they are more upset that this movement has ruined their reputation, which will blow their chances of making big money.
No one cares about the victims, they all care about the money involved. Watch out for their great acting when they will be asked about it by the media! That’s gold!
Check out the blind item from Mumbai Mirror.
Bollywood Blind Item
#METOO stings both ways, and a movie producer is learning this the hard way. He had rallied behind a survivor to bring her sexual harasser, one of his colleagues, to book recently by encouraging her to come out and speak her truth. Now, we hear, the colleague is lining up a bunch of women the producer has had affaires de cœur with to gather dirt on him. Nope, #MeToo isn’t dead, it’s going to be bigger and badder this year.
OSOP Guesses
Producer: Anurag Kashyap
Colleague: Vikas Bahl
Is it just me or do they both look evil in this picture?!
Post your pics and let me see how cute you are!
The page (the informer) where the tailpiece features always has a status or a tag line.
Today it reads : the page that cant be called pliable.
admin, this year can we start numbering the articles serially please. Please.
Pray, do tell. How shall it be? We have completely forgotten about this. Do give some tips 🙂
pretty simple jan _1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and so on same for next month lol
Like @Ana said. It will be easier to find the articles and know which ones we have already read.
Absolutely agree. Please number them or at least date them in a manner which they are not repeated. I sometimes, click and scroll half the article before realising I have read it before 🙁
But BDSM, drugs and affairs must have been consensual. So i am not sure how this would fall under Metoo!
Affairs and assault are not the same. Affairs and assault are not the same. Affairs and assault are not the same.
It’s good if both pull each other down. They both deserve it..
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