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Blind Item – September 2017 – Hollywood

    We are not big fans or even care about these people. The reason we are sharing this blind item is to show how pathetic the world and some of its people have become. This is crazy, this whole family is crazy! How much more can a person do to keep the family in the news just to make money? If she isn’t the worst mother ever, we don’t know who is.

    All the men in this family are messed up. Her son is a mess and yet, she doesn’t seem to care. Since news broke out that her young daughter might just be pregnant, some celebrity bloggers said that she should just have an abortion. People blasted them, but to be honest, no child should be brought into this family only to be exploited by the matriarch. It’s literally the most disgusting thing ever and to think that this young daughter of hers was sleeping around when she was a minor!

    Let us all join hands and pray that they should all disappear by some miracle. All of them, who are this way, who sell their girls for fame and money, they should all go! Can’t believe that there are girls who look up to these cheapos!

    Still, don’t know who we are talking about? Check out the blind item from Blind Gossip below.


    Hollywood Blind Item

    Blind Item – September 2017 - Hollywood


    The Third Shoe

    We told you a couple of years ago that this mother’s dream publicity scenario was to have three pregnancies at once in her family. She just could not get three of her kids to do this at the same time! The fact that not a single member of the family is happily married does not matter to her. She NEVER gave up on this story line, and has been pushing for it ever since.

    She’s now got two. We’re waiting for that third shoe to drop!


    OSOP Guesses

    Mother: Kris Jenner

    Family: Kardashians/Jenners

    Two: Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner

    Blind Item – September 2017 - Hollywood

    4 thoughts on “Blind Item – September 2017 – Hollywood”

    1. Three of them are pregnant! Kim via a surrogate. Personally speaking i like them and, am really, happy, especially for khloe she deserves happiness.

    2. The 2017 movie “Get Out” is based on the Kardashians. Trapping all rich black males. The whole think is so dark, you can’t imagine.

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