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Bollywood Blind Item – March 2020 – 30


    There was a time when there would be so many blind items about this top star and this filmmaker he has collaborated with. Now maybe things should be different, but who knows?! These stars and their egos, huh?

    So what happened back then was that this filmmaker, who has given good films and hits with this top star, decided to step out and work with another top star who coincidentally is the sworn enemy of this top star. Is or was, can’t really tell but the top star was pissed at that time that the filmmaker went to the other one.

    To make matters better between them, the filmmaker decided to make another film with the top star to stop him from sulking but apparently, the actor did not like the script and the different versions of it that the filmmaker presented to him.

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    Funny, if you see some of the films this top star did, you would have never thought he does care a lot about the script!

    Check out the blind item below from Mumbai Mirror. It wasn’t that hard to solve this one since news came out today itself about this.


    Bollywood Blind Item


    INSIDERS within the movie biz industry are whispering about a rift between an actor and a filmmaker. More so after their last few collaborations didn’t take off. We hear the actor wants to distance himself from his old friend, preferring another director who he has had bigger (and better) films with. The hero is already in talks with the second filmmaker for another big mainstream project next year.

    OSOP Guesses

    Actor: Akshay Kumar

    Filmmaker: Neeraj Pandey


    19 thoughts on “Bollywood Blind Item – March 2020 – 30”

    1. If you noticed so much, I think you would have noticed who called AK “PM’s chamcha” and dragged politics into it. It is obvious the hate isn’t just for PR or his affairs cz that is common in BW. That leaves the political angle which your comment showed.

    2. Your hate for AK is overflowing. I wonder if it’s directed at him or the fact that he doesn’t hate on Modi. Good that we have personal biases of people handling this out in open.

      1. Ah well, we don’t care about politics! Politicians are all the same, they might change but their agendas are all the same. We only care about human beings doing good, their actions because that’s what matters at the end of the day and also when you are gone!

        We noticed you always bring up politics when putting your points across, despite us saying over and over that we are not interested in politics. You can go back and check any posts of SK or AK over the past years before this current government has been in power and you will see that there’s no change in how these MCPs were portrayed back then.

    3. Honestly, this post praising SK has taken hate for other people (all know whom I am mentioning to) to another level. I am a regular reader of this blog but if this is the view of Admin (who champions cause of women and here she is siding with know woman beater just to show AK down), i will have to rethink my interest in this. So by logic of Admin, it is ok to beata women left right and centre, kill sleeping people, being a bully by destroying careers of people whom one doesnt like if only he does some charity. Bravo…..

    4. Funny @admin had this longgg reply to basically say AK is doing all for publicity. He is giving blockbusters left right and centre, doesn’t need to spend 25 crores for it! Also, 25 crores is NOT a small amount for anyone especially when it has taken him decades of hardwork to earn it.
      If people like Hasan minhaj living, earning and holding passport of US can sermonize Indians, AK still lives, works and pays his taxes in India. Hilarious that it everything comes down to “Oh, he holds Canadian passport” lol.
      And comparing to SK? Really? The guy had all kinds of crimes and now does so called charity by selling his brand. AK doesn’t have any criminal cases or tarnished image that he’ll need PR of charity. He has been donating regularly.Just because you hate PM, doesn’t mean anyone not hating him is useless. People can be praised for their good work.

      1. It is what it is. Remember this is the same AK who was too stingy to pay off the women who were going to out him for harassing them. SN was the one who paid on his behalf.

        25 crore is no biggie for a man getting paid almost 80 crore per film!

        The fact that he made the announcement of how much he is “pledging” to donate and his wife spoke about it as well, showed. Still money is money and people can use all the help they need. If he really does go ahead to give that amount.

        As for SK, the man can be criminal and MCP, it doesn’t change the fact that he does help out people financially and has been doing so for years. Even he is choosing to donate directly to those in need.

        1. Honestly, this post praising SK has taken hate for other people (all know whom I am mentioning to) to another level. I am a regular reader of this blog but if this is the view of Admin (who champions cause of women and here she is siding with know woman beater just to show AK down), i will have to rethink my interest in this. So by logic of Admin, it is ok to beata women left right and centre, kill sleeping people, being a bully by destroying careers of people whom one doesnt like if only he does some charity. Bravo…..

          1. How are you linking these two things together? These donations are not coming in our pocket, so what’s there to choose between them. Everyone knows SK has always done charity, which was his selling point when he was with Reshma who publicized his deeds to the skies. Both AK and SK are not saints and are megalomaniacs MCP in their own way. Doing charity is a personal thing, while one has pledged the other is reaching out and donating directly. That’s the difference! Those who are pledging to donate, no one knows when and how that money will be distributed. It might be too late then, as people are in dire need of help now at this very moment not a couple of months later! BTW, doing charity doesn’t make you a better human being, not especially when you are in a position to do so!

        2. Also funny that your logic of “earns 80 crs, donates a few” doesn’t apply to SK. Lol. All his charity are pure, everything AK does is for PR. God the hate!

            1. You mean the same Reshma who invented the charity by SK balloon to clean his tarnished image? Charity which you believe is honest?

    5. Off topic but Akshay has just donated 25 cr for PM fund to fight Coronavirus. People can keep bashing him with Canadian, Canadian jibes but he does his bit everytime India is facing some crisis. Such “Canadians” are better than many “Indian” celebs who only crib and do nothing.

      1. See, people bring up his citizenship whenever he urges Indians to do their part, such as voting and all that. He is trolled because everyone knows he is the PM’s chamcha! He did after all give up his Indian citizenship because he loved Canada so much. These actors, superstars and stars, are made by the people. Now the very same people need their help and most of them have either gone into hiding or have lost their wallets! Akshay is one of the highest-paid actors, right alongside Hrithik, he does up to 4 films or so a year and gets paid around 80 crore. 25 crore is nothing to him but it’s good that he got the ball rolling and now the other celebs HAVE to follow through as both the PM and people are watching!

        A PR friend of ours in the west was sharing how scared all of these celebrities are, as they know this is the real thing. This virus is not choosing or discriminating among the people. But the government is going to favour the rich over the poor, if ever it has to come to that. A friend who works in the NHS in UK told us how they were all told there’s no testing kit and yet when Prince Charles was feeling a bit of covid-19 symptoms, he was straightway provided with a test!

        This virus is bringing out the true colors of everyone, rich, famous, influential, politicians, billionaires and so on!

        P.S. The trend of AK donating regularly is very similar to the publicity of SK donating, guess who was/is responsible for this?

        1. I have never seen more absurd post than this. so if somebody is doing hard work and earning money , is it a problem. Nobody is doing charity to AK by paying him 80 crore per film. His movies are earning and hence he is paid. If tomorrow his stardom comes down or his movies flop, will he be paid same amount. So effectively he had given ~ 8% of his yearly income as charity. How many of us including Admin do that. Can admin contribute Rs 8 lacs to PM fund if she earns Rs 1 crore a year or Rs 2 lacs if she earns Rs 25 lacs a year. I am sure its very difficult

          1. He has been paid the same amount, irrespective of his flop or hit phase. This is how his producers go bankrupt while he’s still intact. Regardless, that’s his money and he is free to do what he wants with it!

            1. Admin : What u said is true for all actors . They get paid hits or flops. But why this bias against Akshay only? If Akshay is Modi’s chamcha . Other actors like Deepika are Gandhi chamchas.

              What is ur point ? This chamcha has been donating to several causes for the poor. What are Gandhi’s chamchas doing other than self promotion during crisis.

              1. My dear, the topic of AK donating was brought upon here hence we commented on it. But like we said earlier, now that he paid his pledge public, other superstars and stars are biting their nails wondering how to get about with this. We have doubts that SRK will make his donation public because he usually donates on the down-low without making any noise. All eyes are on them now! Let’s just wait and see.

            2. Honestly, we have never seen 1 crore ever and as for earning, we have been unemployed for 2 months since this virus hit the company we worked for badly. But still, we are doing our part as we have always done irrespective of whether we are making money or not. We are running on our savings now and with that alone, we have take care of our old people with pre-existing conditions, feed strays and contribute to a few households. We knew things would get worse so we started saving what we could but now that it is a reality, it feels surreal. We wake up every day thinking this could have been us in need of food and money, had this happened when we were little. We don’t know how long this will last or whether we will be able to manage, but we know one thing: we had rather help than sit on our savings and do nothing!

              Instead of looking at celebrities, we all need to step up and help out. People in need are in every neighborhood and so are strays. There are people who get paid daily and these are the ones who will suffer the most. You don’t have to earn 1 crore to help or even donate 25 crore, every little help counts! 🙏

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