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Chris Brown wants you to feel sorry for him and forget what happened to Rihanna

    Guess what? Chris Brown has a new documentary out. It’s not a music documentary, per say, or how he gets inspired to make music, it’s more of a “you have to pity me after watching this” type of documentary. Sadly for Chris and happily for us, the people haven’t forgotten what he did to Rihanna. We just watched the trailer out of curiosity as to whether he was sorry for what he did to her and the many other idiotic things he did after that. Not really, all he talked about was how great he was and what happened to him after that. There’s also a voiceover quote from Rihanna, who said that instead of people accusing him, they should have seen that it was a cry for help. She said that in an interview with Oprah. Speaking of Rihanna, she was never the same after that attack. She went from being nice and innocent to doing and being anything after that. Chris messed her up bad. Of course, she loved him and maybe, she felt sorry that because she was screaming so much that someone nearby had to call the cops, his public image took a beating. Take a look at the pathetic trailer below titled ‘Chris Brown – Welcome To My Life’. Also, take a look at all those celebrities in this video pretending that all Chris did was run over a puppy! Shame on them. We wonder if they would have done the same had Chris assaulted one of their own. Chris Brown will never be a legend as he and all those people claim in the documentary. All he will ever be remembered for is assaulting a young singer, who goes by the name of Rihanna when he was only 19 years old. In case, you have forgotten what has happened in 2009, check it out below the trailer for an instant flashback.

    Chris Brown wants you to feel sorry for him and forget what happened to Rihanna


    Chris Brown – Welcome To My Life Trailer

    What Chris Brown did to Rihanna in 2009

    What Chris Brown did to Rihanna in 2009

    What Chris Brown did to Rihanna in 2009