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Hollywood Blind Items – April 2021 – 2

    This actor recently made an appearance in an event to talk about the environment. It was on video and he shot it from the location he’s at. He has been staying there since last year working on something new. In the video, he is clean-shaven compared to the beard he had for almost a year.

    It could be that his clean-shaven look has taken people by surprise…Or it could be he did do something during the pandemic. He sure does look different but then again he has been through a lot since he went down under to shoot this series.

    The blind item below from Blind Gossip seems to indicate there’s a reason why this actor has a new appearance. Can’t say whether it’s true or not, the boy has been trying to secure himself some good gigs in Hollywood for a while now. All of his efforts have failed so far, which explains why he choose to fly so far and shoot a documentary.

    Check out the first blind item about this actor from BlindGossip.

    Hollywood Blind Item #1


    Superhero Face

    Pretty boy actor apparently doesn’t think that pretty is the way to go anymore.

    His face looks… different.

    At least, it looks different than it did just a few months ago!

    While some people are speculating that he had his lips done or had cheek implants, that’s not it.

    It’s his jaw and chin.

    Now, Our Actor is not old. He is not ugly. He is not deformed. He is not fat. He had a perfectly fine jaw and chin.

    So why in the world would he alter his face?

    He really wants to play a superhero. He thinks he has been passed over for lead roles in the Marvel/DC Comics universe because he doesn’t have that classic masculine superhero look, like Superman.

    Does he want to play Superman?

    Any lead superhero character would be cool. But he thinks he needs that defined jawline and that square chin to be seriously considered. He calls it the Henry Cavill look.

    Yes, Henry Cavill definitely has that superhero look.

    Does Our Actor plan on doing anything else to be considered more “masculine”?

    He is working on his physique.

    We’re not sure that a ripped physique is a requirement for superhero casting.

    But good luck to our young actor and his new face.

    OSOP Guess

    Actor: Zac Efron



    The blind item below shows you how PR-relationships work. This actor has strangely been a in a relationship with a local girl in the country that he is working in. He had an incident last year that almost cost him his life. The incident didn’t happen, as per what was reported in the papers. It was actually worse than that and he could have lost his life.

    Cut to, he gets better and is out of danger. What does his team do? Find him a local girl to kickstart a fake relationship, just so that there’s something that makes him interesting and also, to make people talk about him. In short, to keep him relevant. If you check clippings about him from the press since September 2020, it has always been about him and the girl.

    Well, now that it’s over…Check out the blind item from Blind Gossip.


    Hollywood Blind Item #2


    Like A Hundred Pound Rock

    Following this actor’s recent breakup, you may be wondering why it ended so suddenly and so oddly.

    Allow us to fill you in!

    Let’s first talk about the way it began.

    She got the job in the first place because she seemed like a rather “normal” person. That’s why people bought into their relationship and thought it was real.

    It was a fake relationship.

    The purpose of the relationship was to make him look good. He was the star of the couple, but…

    She made him look genuine. Down-to-earth. Most importantly, she helped him get accepted as local. That was really important to him.

    All of those qualities made her an asset to him in his work and in his media presence.

    However, because it was a faux relationship, the relationship wasn’t nearly as close as it looked.

    His team would sometimes float rumors that she didn’t even know were coming. She would find out on some news site that they were “moving in together” or “getting engaged.” She just shrugged it off and accepted that was part of the game.

    She was only contacted when it was time to do another photo op. They did not speak every day or even every week. That was fine with her. She had her own life anyway.

    Unlike a real relationship, they did not communicate regularly. However, that lack of communication proved to be their downfall.

    She was just living her life and this opportunity came up to do a show. He didn’t ask her for permission to work. Why should she have to ask him for permission to work?

    We already told you that her genuine/down-to-earth/local qualities are why she was chosen.

    Unfortunately, the show she chose would undo all of that. It would make her a reality star.

    Nothing genuine or down-to-earth about that!

    Even worse, the location of the show would irritate the very locals with whom he was trying so hard to fit in!

    Suddenly, our actor was between a rock and a hard place.

    • Should he say that he knew she was going for this job (which would make him a party to this mistake)? Or claim that he knew nothing (which would reveal that they didn’t actually communicate frequently)?
    • Stand up to those criticizing her? Or let her fend for herself?
    • Keep her or dump her?

    The bottom line was that she was a faux girlfriend who suddenly had three strikes against her and was making him look bad by proxy.

    He got some distance from the controversy by claiming he “had no idea” she was involved in any of this.

    Then he dumped her like a hundred pound rock into The Great Barrier Reef.

    OSOP Guesses

    Actor: Zac Efron

    GF: Vanessa Valladares