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January 2017 – Hollywood Blind Item 2

    Okay, so this blind item from Blind Gossip happened a while back. We are not posting it because we have nothing else to post, but because it’s quite interesting considering how in the last few days, we saw a huge (twins) developments. As for this one, there wasn’t any development at all. Hard to believe because this one likes to film her every move and yet, not a clear shot. It’s all grainy or in the dark. This blind item had the Guesses public and so far, no one is dead because of this revelation. If you read the other blind item we published, you will get what we mean. Let’s just hope that she doesn’t do any interviews or at least, doesn’t sit down in any of the interviews or at least, her belly doesn’t sunk back in. Check out the blind item and the pictures as proof. That said, there’s nothing wrong in using a surrogate. The thing is, if you think about it, IF there was a surrogate, imagine the trouble that one has to go through to keep this charade up. It’s tiring! But, also too late now to come out with the truth.


    Hollywood Blind Item

    January 2017 – Hollywood Blind Item 2


    You Probably Wouldn’t Notice Her

    She was brought in from outside the United States. She only speaks Spanish (or Portuguese?), and has a child who is approximately Kindergarten age. She is fairly attractive, looks like she is in her late twenties, and has thick, dark brown hair and medium-colored skin. You probably wouldn’t notice her if she was walking down the street. However, it doesn’t really matter what she looks like, as she is simply the Surrogate for a baby that is a genetic combination of the soon-to-be Mom and Dad.

    The Surrogate is currently living on the Lower West Side of Manhattan with her first child in a very nice apartment. She is not married, and does not really know anyone in New York, but she does want to stay here once the birth is over. The apartment is being paid for by the Couple. The Surrogate is well-cared for by a full-time staff person and there is always a doctor or nurse on call. She looks like she is approximately eight months pregnant, and is clearly much bigger than the Mom, who is simply playing pregnant.

    By the way, the Mom was physically capable of bearing her own child, but she didn’t want to “ruin” her body.


    OSOP Guesses

    Mom: Beyoncé

    January 2017 – Hollywood Blind Item 2


    “A stupid rumor, the most ridiculous rumor I’ve ever had about me,” Beyoncé says in the documentary. “To think that I would be that vain. I respect mothers and women so much. To be able to experience bringing a child into this world, if you’re lucky and fortunate enough to experience that, I would never ever take that for granted.”

    The singer also reveals how much she enjoyed being pregnant, “There’s something so relieving about life taking over you like that. You’re playing a part in a much bigger show and that’s what life is, it’s the greatest show on earth. I felt like God was giving me a chance to assist in a miracle.”

    January 2017 – Hollywood Blind Item 2

    3 thoughts on “January 2017 – Hollywood Blind Item 2”

    1. Sorry! Using surrogates is okay only in rare circumstances in which you can’t have your own kids. No matter how well she is looked after that woman’s poverty is taken advantage of. Ever wonder why it’s always a poor woman who is the surrogate? It’s like you are using someone’s body parts just because you can. Women are already trafficked for sex and now this.

    2. This is a bit hard to believe. They did say she was bearing twins and she doesn’t look like it. But whatever they do it’s their own business , just don’t try to trick the fans as if you’re so good

    3. so not fair)))) two blind Hollywood in one day and only one bollywood, I want 5 Bollywood blind in the day and one in month Hollywood))))))

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