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October 2013 – Bollywood Blind Item

    The first blind item for this month is an exciting one. Though I doubt that many of you wouldn’t know who this blind is about. This time, it’s from Box Office India and they are talking about a recently released film that was so hyped up, so much so that it disappointed every single soul who saw it, including me. Read on below to find out.


    Bollywood Blind Item


    When you get too ambitious, you tend to make a mockery of a good product and the result is always bad at the ticket counter. This director, whose first film was a big success, wrote his second film and met various corporate houses. Although everyone loved what he had with him, they had their reservations for as it lacked a big name.

    So the director landed a big name and everyone started chasing him. But he got over-ambitious and asked for a huge sum for his film. Again, everyone backed out. But since he had managed to hook a big name, he decided to make the film on his own terms. Finally, one corporate house threw its hat into the ring.

    Once again, the director grew over-confident and over-ambitious and started working and re-working the script by changing and adding characters to his film. He assumed that since he had a big name in the cast, the audience would love anything he served up. Alas, the film released recently and it drew only a lukewarm response after a fantastic opening.

    The talk in the trade is that those who had heard the script were shocked to watch the film. Turns out the final product bore little resemblance to the original script. Oops!



    Director: Abhinav Kashyap

    Big Name: Ranbir Kapoor