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Organizing a School Binder


    Organizing your child’s school binder is a good practice in order to assist your child in doing well in school. The binder can help you maintain a safe keeping of any assignments, papers and homework in a nice and neatly organized manner. This will also help your child not to lose any important notes or assignments given by their teacher. A three-ring binder is useful enough for your child to use it to keep track of any materials for individual subjects that he or she learned in school every day. Besides that, you can also teach your child to keep all the school supplies in one place. Therefore, the school’s binder is the best thing to have in order to stay organized when your child goes to school. Below are some tips that you can learn whenever you want to create a school binder for your child.

    Organizing a School Binder

    To organize a school binder, you need:

    • Tab dividers
    • Loose-leaf paper
    • Pencil pouch for three-ring binder


    How to Organize Your Child’s School Binder


    Organizing a School Binder


    • The first thing that you need to do is to take the tab dividers and insert in into your child’s school binder.
      • Then, label the tab dividers with any category or subjects for his or her school.
      • Make sure that you place them inside the binder in order. For instance, if you child’s first period in school are the science subject, you should place the tab divider for science right in front of the other tab dividers.


      Having a divider will definitely helps you not letting any papers from getting mixed up with other unrelated items or categories.


    • The next step that you need to do is to place a loose-leaf paper in your binder.
      • You can insert all the paper together in one stack right at the front or at the binder’s back.
      • Another technique that you can do is to divide the paper with similar amount in order for each section of your tab divider has a stack of paper each.


    • Apart from that, you can also make a specific section for parent-teacher to correspond between each other.
      • This section will depend on the age-group of your child because by having this section you would be able to check for any new paperwork at the end of the day, a place for keeping assignment or even place your child’s paperwork in it.
      • As for binder that has a pocket in the front, this can also be use for parent-teacher correspondence section.
      • Another technique is to attach a binder clip or even use an envelope to the inside of the binder’s cover.


    Other important section that you can add into the school’s binder is for inserting materials that your child need to hand over to the school like permission letters or slips, contact numbers for the parents, as well as notes from the doctor in case of emergency.


    • You can also add a pencil pouch designed for a three-ring binder and fill it with pencils, pens, a pencil sharpener as well as other school supplies, like calculator or ruler.
      • The pencil pouch can be placed right in front of your child’s binder, on top of your tab dividers and loose-leaf paper.
      • Next, you need to place a three-hole punch designed for three-ring binders at the top of your pencil pouch. This is to enable your child to punch holes to any activity papers that he or she receives immediately.



    • In addition, a planner can also be place in front of your child’s binder exactly behind the pencil pouch.
      • The planner is suitable for keeping track of your child’s assignments and also any future activities.
      • If possible, you should use a weekly planner in order for your child to view any of the activities which is due in the coming week.


    • Make sure that you provide a time between you and your child to go through the school’s binder together every week.
      • If there is any old assignments that you feel your child should not be carrying any more, you should remove it and replenish the binder’s paper supply.
      • If you have a filing box, you can store any of the old assignments into the box.

      Always remember that whenever you want to organize your child’s school binder

      • Make sure that you managed to make hole punch on any of the papers that you received from teachers immediately so that you will not lose any of the papers.
      • Binder papers must always be stored in a flat and unfolded in order for it not to get damaged.
      • You can also color-code the binders or its tab dividers so that you would be able to find any items that you want easily.
      • You can place two subjects into one 1 1/2 inch binder where for every two periods; you can make use of only one binder. As for other subjects, you need to simply place them in the locker and change binders when you are free or during recess.
      • If you receive any hand outs or worksheets from your teacher, you must always put them in the right subject divider that you have created.


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