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OSOP Movie Recommendation: 13 Hours

    If you enjoyed ‘Homeland’ and other shows or movies that depict real life incidents, you will like ’13 Hours’. Unlike ‘Homeland’, ’13 Hours’ is based on a real life incident or rather, attack that happened in 2012. Back then when the attack happened, we heard about it and took it like we took the other attacks that were happening. Then when Hillary Clinton announced that she was running for president, someone made a comment on how they would never vote for her because of what she did in Benghazi. That’s when we were curious and began to research more about what Benghazi was about. Now there are always numerous sides to stories like these, so it was hard to know which reports to believe. Either way, what happened on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya was traumatising to even read about, so we can’t imagine those who were there, how they felt. By the way, the soldiers saw the film and said it’s depicted exactly the way things went down in Benghazi hence us recommending the film.


    OSOP Movie Recommendation


    13 Hours – Directed by Michael Bay

    In 2016, Michael Bay released his film that was based on a book written about this attack. Titled ’13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi’, this movie is based on what happened that night. It’s not about who was to blame for this attack, but more so about the American soldiers/former SEAL officers, who fought and gave their all in this attack. You all know who Michael Bay is. He is responsible for the ‘Transformers’ movies, so he is a good director that can make this film as real as it can get. And true to that, the action scenes were too surreal. It was hard at times to watch as it’s just gruesome and gruelling at the same time. The worst part is realising that all the scenes in the film actually happened. It was shot very well and feels as real as a war film can be. This is the reason why we are recommending this film.


    13 Hours – Not Enough Security and Protection

    After seeing the film, we researched some more on this attack. We came upon this YouTube video of the soldiers in the film endorsing Donald Trump for President last year. They said Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state at the time of this attack, didn’t act fast enough to help them and she didn’t also provide security when it was requested. Other websites say that while there was a request to increase security in Benghazi, Hillary Clinton did bring this issue to light, but mentioned that anything related to security in Benghazi was handled by the security professionals in the State Department. While she was the one, who asked U.S. ambassador, Chris Stevens, to be in Benghazi, she maintains that she had no control over the security details pertaining to his stay in Libya. The Benghazi attack cost the lives of 5 American people, including U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens. The last time a U.S. ambassador’s life was in such danger was in 1979. We have to say here that in an interview, the soldiers said that contrary to rumours, the ambassador was found by a group of good Libyans people and sent to the hospital. They tried to resuscitate him at the hospital, but he died. Rumours said that he was assaulted and sodomised by the militants, who found him. The soldiers said that when they checked his body, there was no sign if any assault.


    Hillary Clinton’s Responsibility

    Since Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State in the Obama Administration when this attack happened, she had to take responsibility for the whole Benghazi attack. The attack happened at such a time when the Obama administration was getting ready to go through election and hopefully, be re-elected again. This meant that President Obama himself couldn’t say that it was his responsibility to save the lives of those Americans, who were present when the Benghazi attacked happened. It’s also why when this attack happened, the White House and Hillary Clinton claimed that it was an anti-Islam film, ‘Innocence of Muslims’, that caused this riot to happen. It was later discovered when Hillary’s emails were leaked that she knew exactly what happened, but told the world something different. The reason being that they didn’t want to name what happened at Benghazi a terrorist attack because that would hurt the Obama administration during the elections. This statement was said when members of the House Select Committee were questioning Hillary over the Benghazi attack.

    13 Hours in Benghazi

    We won’t tell you on what the film has, such as scenes and all that. We had rather you watch it to know what really went down that day. One thing was for sure, no one was prepared that they were going to be attacked on that day. Still, they fought on until it was over. There was no riot, it was all sudden.



    Libya, 2012. At an unofficial CIA base in Benghazi a group of ex-military contractors are providing security. In the aftermath of Gaddafi’s downfall a power vacuum exists and the climate is volatile. Military weapons are freely available. The US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, makes a visit to the area, staying in a compound near the CIA base. On the night of 11 September, 2012, the Ambassador’s compound is attacked by hordes of heavily armed locals. The only forces willing and able to defend it are six CIA contractors.


    September 11

    Someone pointed out that the U.S. Government should be prepared for attacks on their embassies around the world on September 11 every year. As you know, September 11 is the date that started the whole war against Islam. So yes, the U.S. Government should have been prepared that something can happen on September 2011.


    War On Terror

    After the September 11 attacks in 2001, America has been attacking Islamic countries left, right and center. Sure, they needed to avenge the attack, but the thing is they didn’t know who was responsible. According to our research, there was no need to attack Iraq or Saddam Hussein for that matter. If you see the pattern, Islamic countries with dictators as leaders are ruined. These countries are now ruined with no government helping them. The governments ruling these countries now have not been able to get things back on track for its people. If you are wondering why there are still American soldiers in Iraq, it’s because it’s their mess and they have to stay there to make sure militants don’t destroy the whole country. The reason why we are talking about these countries and their people is because we have people from these countries. The war on terror messed up their lives, especially those living in Iraq. Imagine being jobless for more than 5 years because of this? In Libya, the whole country doesn’t get electricity. The towns and cities take turns to give their people electricity because there’s not enough power to make the whole country have electricity at the same time. This has made them reflect how times were better when their dictator leader was in power and leading the country.


    13 Hours on DVD

    We won’t say more, if you are interested in watching ’13 Hours’, you should. It is available on DVD. By the way, there was a Homeland episode that was more or less inspired by the Benghazi attack, but this time, they based it at the U.S. embassy in Pakistan. There was also the other award-winning movie titled ‘Zero Dark Thirty’, which was released in 2012. ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ was based on the real life incident that was the journey to capturing Osama Bin Laden. The movie was more about the female CIA officer, who was in charge of this whole thing to capture OBL. She’s also the inspiration for the main female lead character in ‘Homeland’. The fight to capture OBL was all dark because that’s how it was conducted, the soldiers had to use night vision. For ’13 Hours’ though, the film shows the action scenes very well. Why not? Since it’s being directed by Michael Bay!


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