Anurag Basu finally released the trailer of his upcoming film ‘Barfi’. ‘Barfi’ stars Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Ileana. Ileana seems to eb the only one playing a normal being in this film. By the way, Ileana is from Mumbai but has been working in the South film industry for many years now. In this trailer, you will find her looking like a taller version of Amrita Rao. Ranbir, after ‘Rockstar’, this looks like the movie to watch out for. I didn’t like ‘Rockstar’ much as it looked like Ranbir was trying too hard to be a really good actor, but we are keeping my fingers crossed for this one as the trailer looks great. PC plays a mentally challenged lady in this film and Ranbir plays a deaf and dumb flirt. Check out the official trailer of ‘Barfi’ below.
Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra & Ileana in Barfi
Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra & Ileana in Barfi Trailer