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We have updated security on OSOP

    You might have noticed that sometimes OSOP becomes unavailable online. It’s not because we haven’t paid our hosting bills or we are too lazy to publish new posts, it’s because the website has been under attack.

    We have updated security on OSOP


    We don’t want to grow a big head and say that someone is trying to hack us because that’s not likely since we are not that famous. We don’t know what or who it is and why it’s trying to bring down the website. Their only intention is to crash down the website, which they have been able to do several times.

    Due to this, we have decided to heighten the security over here on OSOP to make the site safer and to make it easier for all the readers to get access to it. So far, there has been no glitches since the new add-ons have been implemented and we hope it stays this way.

    The reason we are announcing this is, there might be several changes that some of you may notice. If you are having problems surfing or commenting, do drop us a line right here:

    If in any case you see that OSOP has become unavailable again, just be patient until it is back online. The thing with websites online, no one can make it disappear unless they are FBI or CIA.

    Anyways, thanks for sticking around by reading and commenting.

    Bless you all,

    OSOP Team


    8 thoughts on “We have updated security on OSOP”

    1. I’m not getting the security certificate error now, surprisingly when others have started getting it. Been reporting it since two weeks now, so I’m glad all seems well.

    2. I have been getting this message for a few weeks now :

      Your connection is not secure

      The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.

      Learn more… uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown. The server might not be sending the appropriate intermediate certificates. An additional root certificate may need to be imported. Error code: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER

        1. Have been encountering the same issue on several different computers for several weeks. This is something from your side, OSOP.

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