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When you are so mad at your dad and can’t fake it anymore

    When you are so mad at your dad and can't fake it anymore

    Something must have happened on the ride over to this event because the way Hrithik Roshan was staring at his dad, Rakesh Roshan, was quite something.

    When you are so mad at your dad and can't fake it anymore

    3 thoughts on “When you are so mad at your dad and can’t fake it anymore”

    1. PLOT TWIST:
      Snr Roshan has been the one sending the emails to Kangana who assumed it was from Jnr Roshan

      I kid. I kid!! Just tryna blow away these monday blues with some humor

      #AdminRocks! #AdminDeserveMedals #BestSiteEver

      1. Hehehe..Thanks.. πŸ™‚ But from where he copied that idea? We are asking because lately his ideas have all been from making use of the copy and paste feature on his PC.

        If it’s Roshan Snr and according to others, Kangana’s sis, Rangoli who were communicating, that’s quite something. πŸ™‚

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